Whether to embed linked resources in REST API
I am building a REST API where clients can query user-sent messages, like this: GET http://example.com/api/v1/messages?from=0&to=100 Response: [ { "id": 12345, "text": "Hello, world!" }, { "id":...
View ArticleRetrieving List collection from a REST method within a SharePoint 2013 Workflow
Here is the deal.. I have a REST method that returns Generic.List<DTOSupervisor> which has to be retreved by using a HTTP Send and GetDynamicValueProperties components. My REST method signature:...
View Article“Industry Standard” JSON formats for game assets [closed]
This question is inspired by my venture into the Phaser game engine but seems to apply to any engine that uses JSON for its asset format. Phaser relies on PhysicsEditor to export and create the JSON...
View ArticleJSON viewer for OS X
I am looking for a JSON viewer for OS X that can: open decently large files (e.g. > 10 MB), unlike the JSON Editor Eclipse Plugin (take over 1 minute to generate the treeview for a 500 KB JSON file)...
View ArticleConnecting a wordpress site to an AngularJS APP
Currently I have a application that needs a blogging system added. The application is built with an AngularJS front-end and a python/Django back end. I wanted to use wordpress as the blogging system as...
View ArticlePostgres: querying jsonb array with an array
My products table has a jsonb column called ‘specs’. This specs hash will often have an array field, let’s call it ‘spec_options’. When querying this table, I need to find any product that has certain...
View ArticleWP Rest API and json_decode()
I’m getting familiar with the WP REST API 2 plugin and I started following the amazing directions from Torque’s Guide. Everything seems pretty clear but I’m having trouble understanding this error...
View ArticleDoes updating a jsonb column trigger updates on all expression indexes on...
I am using the jsonb type in PostgreSQL. I frequently make updates of the following kind (where jdoc is a jsonb column): UPDATE my_table SET jdoc = jdoc || '{a: "Hello World!"}'::jsonb WHERE id = 123 I...
View ArticleWhy use JSON dataset rather than SQL Query?
A colleague was asking me to explain a system information flow, as they are having problems with the wrong information being presented. It seems that what they have created is a custom built website,...
View ArticleIs there any WP plugin that will help me import JSON Feed from other blogs?...
I would like to import JSON feed from other websites and publish the same on my blog. There are many RSS feed importer but I am looking for JSON feed importer. I want to use JSON feed and import the...
View ArticleGet array from JSON in Libgdx?
I wanted to load in map information using JSON, is there a way to get String, Int, float etc lists or arrays from JSON in Libgdx? My structure looks like this { "data": [{ "name": "startmap", "actors":...
View ArticleAjax callback return 500 Internal Server Error
file mymodule.inc : $items['ajax/channel/%/get-program'] = array( 'title' => t('get channel program by ID'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'page callback' => 'get_channel_program', 'page arguments'...
View ArticleCannot access elements of json object
This is more of a json question but since it is within wordpress and is being processed by admin-ajax.php I thought it suits this forum best. I have created a standard ajax form procedure as shown...
View ArticleWhy aren't tags and categories added in post request to WP Rest API
I’m using V2.0 and trying to create a post using the /posts endpoint. Here’s the payload being sent with my request: var payload = { title : "some title", format : "link", tags: ["tag1", "tag2"],...
View ArticlePOST json data with cURL from a while loop – bash shell
I have a JSON output from which I need to extract an ID and Iterate through them and send multiple request to API execute REST API with curl. For example: This is how the JSON output looks like: {...
View ArticleSet a default value for a jsonb property in PostgreSQL
Let’s say that I have a jsonb column with documents like: { "lead": "The lead", "video": "An URL to the video" } In some cases I also need to store the name of a picture that’s uploaded to the server...
View ArticleOpenLayers 2, JSON vector through WFS
Consider this example, https://geoext.github.io/geoext2/examples/grid/feature-grid.html It uses protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({ url: "../data/summits.json", format: new...
View ArticleHow does including a magic prefix to a JSON response work to prevent XSSI...
While working on a project that used the REST API for Gerrit Code Review I noticed that they do something that I thought was strange Source: To prevent against Cross Site Script Inclusion (XSSI)...
View ArticleREST API return encoded Multiline Textfield but show it correctly
I save a JSON string in my SharePoint list. This looks like:...
View ArticleFilter rows on data saved as JSON arrays
My data is saved as _________________________________ id | category | other data etc -------------------------------- 1 | ["2","3"] |bla bla -------------------------------- 2 | ["254","34"]|bla bla...
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